This is one of the most interesting books I’ve read this past year, and a refreshing change in the “Applied Spirituality -book space”. If you have ever struggled with what it means to be a Christian, beyond attending church services, or wondered what it looks like to structure your life around the issues that were most important to Jesus, this book may inspire you. Comer draws on Christian theological, spiritual, and mystic /monastic traditions, relating how they can work together in practical ways to help us become better disciples who follow Jesus’s way in the context of daily living.
Becoming a Disciple of Jesus
Many people today identify as “Christian”, but what does it truly mean to follow the teachings of Jesus as his disciple? In Practicing the Way, John Mark Comer explains how a genuine commitment to discipleship means more than simply believing — it requires a total lifestyle transformation to align with Jesus’s principles and actions.
To become a disciple, one must dedicate time for fellowship with Jesus through practices like prayer. His character traits like love must be cultivated within us. And we must join the restorative work of God’s kingdom on Earth, empowered by the Holy Spirit, even when this path opposes societal norms. Comer compares this journey to the bond between an ancient rabbi and apprentices who emulated every aspect of the teacher’s life. Discipleship is not just belief, but a choice to be transformed in Christ’s image.
It’s All About the Journey
Comer emphasizes the profound journey that begins with a sincere commitment to the path of Jesus, a vow that transcends simply taking on the title of “Christian”. Embracing a Christian existence goes beyond mere concurrence with doctrinal tenets; it requires embodying the life of Jesus and infusing His lessons into every aspect of our lives. The author stresses the distinction between simple belief and the proactive quest for discipleship, urging readers to contemplate their true readiness to embark on the challenging but rewarding path of embracing and living out the teachings given by Jesus.