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A Gift of Retreat for the Homeless at Mercy by the Sea

Each year Sr. Eileen Boffa, a Connecticut Sister of Mercy, offers a retreat for homeless men at Mercy by the Sea in Madison CT. The sisters generously donate the retreat space along with room and board through their scholarship program to welcome the men for a 2-day stay at this beautiful retreat center on the sound. Sr. Eileen gathers the men, whom she affectionately calls her “street friends” at the Merton Center in Bridgeport, and from there we transport them to Madison for a couple of days of rest by the ocean and some hospitality in Christ.

The stress of street life, homelessness and having to get by without stable work produces severe loneliness and prolonged suffering. It was wonderful to see some well-being and dignity restored and smiles on faces for basic needs and simple pleasures. There was no entitlement, no complaining, only gratitude.

Sr. Eileen invites me to participate in this annual retreat and the experience is as much a gift for me, as it is for the men attending. I am reminded of the many luxuries we can so easily take for granted. Having safe place to sleep without the fear of being robbed, a warm shower, clean towels, and of course, three meals in one day. I go there to help but when I leave, I feel as though I was the one was served.

Many thanks to you Sr. Eileen for your heart of mercy and your ministry.

If you would like to donate to the Sisters of Mercy scholarship fund and help support these kinds of programs, click the link below.



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